Additional Musicians

Louie Oxley
Mini Moog, Acoustic Piano, Fender Rhodes, Prophet 5
Louie Oxley was introduced to Starpoint in '81, while in search for a new keyboard player and a guitar player. He came to a rehearsal to audition with a buddy of his named Topper who played guitar. Starpoint was getting ready for an upcoming tour. At the first rehearsal with Louie everyone noticed his abilities in playing keyboards, particularly the Mini Moog. Starpoint would always play 70's instrumental jazz fusion (jamming), at rehearsals for fun. Something that started with the Phillips brother's a long time ago, early in their musical training. They would jam on songs by groups like the Mahavishnu Orchestra, Return to Forever, and Frank Zappa's Mothers of Invention. All of these bands had great keyboard players that played the Mini Moog well. (Jan Hammer. Chick Corea, George Duke) Louie would sound like all of them and more. He was also great with the Mini Moog bass sound and playing R&B and funk. Louie was hired at that audition. Topper was great too, at playing fusion, but not the greatest for R&B and funk, so Starpoint went without a guitar player for a while. Starpoint toured with Louie Oxley, the first show was at the Warner Theatre in Washington,D.C. opening for Larry Graham. Starpoint recorded the album "KEEP ON IT" with Louie Oxley, the second album released. You can here Louie's fantastic Moog bass work on the title song, "Keep On It" which was released as a single and did very well, hitting "Top 20" on the R&B charts. On the same album, Louie was co-writer of the song "Starpoint's Here Tonight". You can hear his Lead Mini Moog work on that song. Starpoint has benefited greatly for ever coming in contact with Louie Oxley. To this day, Starpoint is very thankful of Louie's expertise and musicianship on his keyboards. His friendship and loving support of Starpoint will never be forgotten!
Keep On It: Mini Moog, Acoustic Piano, Fender Rhodes, Prophet 5 co-wrote: "Starpoit's Here Tonight"
It's So Delicious: Prophet 5, Mini Moog

Wayne Linsey
Fender Rhodes, Prophet 5, Clavinet
After recording two albums touring the south a bit in '80 and '81, Starpoint was ready to record again. They hooked up with Wayne Linsey in '82, while looking for a new keyboard player and recorded Starpoint's third album release, All Night Long!. Starpoint had long left Crownsville, Maryland and for a short while, the home base was in Baltimore, Maryland. Meetings were held at George's house in Towson, while rehearsals were at a house near Edmondson Village on Edmondson Ave (Rt. 40), where Orlando and Greg lived. Ernesto once again had found a superb, talented, and unique young keyboard player for Starpoint! Wayne Linseys' playing was on fire and aggressive with his attitude toward new and fresh music. He had a special ear for musical chords, melodic lines, and rhythmic ideas. Starpoint was especially impressed with how he played the clavinet. Wayne's approach was something that Starpoint had never heard before. Wayne would make "under the breath"sounds with his mouth when playing the clavinet and other keyboards this acquired his nickname, "Ziggy". The funky music that was created was largely influenced by Wayne's clavinet work! You can hear him clearly on the bridge of the song "Get Your Body Up" Wayne "Ziggy" Linsey took Starpoint through a path of creativity that no one else could. The relationships, musical and personal that were created with Wayne Lindsey and Starpoint have been and will always be in existence forever!
On the album "All Night Long":
Fender Rhodes, Prophet 5, Clavinet

David Glaser
Rhythm and Lead Guitar
David Glaser played with Starpoint during live performances on the major part of the "Restless" Tour. David was introduced to the band by Greg Phillips. Greg met David at a bar called "Charlie's Westside" in Annapolis. Md. In the year 1983 Greg had just moved back to the Annapolis area from Baltimore and was interested in playing with other musicians in the rock genre. Greg went to "Charlie's" and David's band, "Telluride", was performing there. Greg sat in with "Telluride" and David was very pleased with Greg's performance. They stayed in touch with each other and later began working in several bands together.
When Ernesto, as band leader, was interested in adding another guitar player, Greg immediately thought of David Glaser and recommended him. Greg new that David had the talent to play anything. Starpoint had a rehearsal with David and he learned all of Starpoint's material for the live show, flawlessly. He learned some of Ernesto's rhythm guitar parts note for note, which you can here clearly on the song, "It's All Yours", track 2 on the Starpoint "Live" CD! David also learned and executed some of the dance steps and choreography, while playing those intricate guitar parts! David played great on the "Restless" Tour and was a good companion on the road. Greg hired David again for our show in France! of the year 2011! Greg and David continued to work together up until the year of his passing, playing in the Baltimore/Washington/Annapolis area. Starpoint is glad to have had the pleasure in meeting David Glaser and touring with him on a most memorable tour! We will miss him and his great contribution to Starpoint!
Starpoint Live: Rhythm Guitar (on tracks 1,2,8) Rhythm and Second Lead Guitar (on track 10)
Starpoint would also like to give special thanks to:
Keith Rowe - keyboards on many live shows & the Starpoint "Live" CD
C.J. - keyboards on live shows & Starpoint "Live" CD
and all additional musicians not mentioned!